Super Wash

Super Wash is a novel car wash service that provides washing options at Tesla Supercharger locations. They provide a very unique service with limitless potential.


Super Wash needs a strong brand identity that will supplement the Tesla brand. The service also needs to feel like a premium service where car owners will feel comfortable getting their expensive cars washed.


The key to this business was strong web research with supplemental in-person research. By understanding their frustrations and satisfaction, we will be able to figure out exactly what Tesla owners need for Super Wash to be successful.

Research Process

Before creating any designs, web research and in-person research were conducted to better understand Tesla owners and their needs. Web research was done by collecting relevant user thoughts on popular user forums. Besides the environmental aspect or even the eccentric owner, Elon Musk, most owners mentioned that they bought the Tesla for the elegance in the design. Some owners even mentioned on Reddit that they would rather stop and wait to make sure the car is locked than turn on the honk-on-lock feature. They felt that it would ruin the experience because of how elegant the car is.

In-person research was conducted at the Santa Monica Tesla Supercharger. The results gained from there solidified what we already found from probing the internet. Tesla owners mostly bought the car for the style, but we found a very large percentage of people who also bought it for the sustainability aspect.

Business UX Suggestions

Several suggestions were made in order to provide better service. Business UX provides overall user experience guidelines that are backed by user research to make sure that customers get the best possible experience that is catered for them. Expand the section to read more.

Initial Approach

Most people are quite happy to talk and are receptive to the car wash. However, wearing clothing that signifies your purpose for being there can help to speed up the rejections and even bring the customer to you.

  • The pitch should include:

    • Quick rundown of the service you provide

    • Mention sustainability

    • Quick compliment about the design of the car - keep it conversational

    • Quick explanation of safety from damage

      • Indirectly - do not bring up the word damage at all

      • Example: “We always use clean rags to stop dirt from accumulating and we spray water in fresh coats…”

      • This puts the owner at ease and also raises credibility

    • Mention the price and tell them how long it will take

  • Speaking is far more effective than a menu for converting customers

    • Recommendations for a menu are still provided

    • See Design Work Section

Cleaning Process

  • Showmanship is key

  • Reluctant customers will likely change the mind based on other customers

  • Spray tool is very good at looking professional

  • Glass foam cleaner is also very good for show

After Service

  • Thank them in person for supporting a small business

  • Provide a thank you card

    • should be custom for each Tesla model to keep with the Tesla experience

    • should be very simple

    • purpose is for getting repeat customers or referrals

    • See Design Work Section

Overall Business

  • Simple website is vital for collecting finished images and user reviews

  • Website is vital in case the wash service moves to different locations at any point

  • Website can also be used to massively scale business through newsletters

  • Thank you card can act as a way to quickly get people to the website

    • QR code on the back and help with this

    • See Design Work Section

Design Work

Simple Car Wash Menu

The simple menu format allows for easy comprehension of common services that Super Wash provides. The demo text here provides a good example of how the menu could look.

The back highlights Super Wash's focus on sustainable practices.

The Logo

The logo design is a simple but elegant display of what it means to be Super Wash. The purpose of this design is to show off the simple elegance similar to that of Tesla cars while also highlighting the fact that this service is connected to supercharging.

Thank You Card

The front shows off a simple illustration of the customer's car, which is just barely visible over the background to create an almost elegant detailed silhouette look. Making the card custom is key to making the customer feel happy with the overall service.

The back provides a QR code to quickly send the user to the website. The right side also further reminds the user of the sustainability practices Super Wash uses.

The design work is meant to be a basis from which further design iterations can continue.

View the Full PDF Here

UX Research and Recommendations.pdf